Hello everyone!
We have been very busy learning about another festival Chinese New Year! This is a special time for people all over the world to celebrate the New Lunar Year. Each year is named after a different animal and each animal represents different qualities and characteristics. Click on the link below to watch two short clips which shares what my friend Suet and her family do at this time of the year. Please be aware that these were recorded last year. The date this year for CNY was the 1st of February and it is the year of the Tiger. Sadly, Robert Cheung has passed away so alterations aren’t possible, however, I think that it is enjoyable and personalised for the children and wanted to share. For more information on the Year of the Tiger please click on the second link and ignore the ads, etc please. The third link takes you to a delightful song which the children danced and sang to. If you go to the CBeebies channel and type in Chinese New Year you will see several short clips about CNY and the celebrations that take place.
What is my Chinese zodiac sign? Lunar New Year animals, what Year of the Tiger means for 2022 – and horoscope | NationalWorld
Literacy: This week I’ve included a phonics video called Noisy Neighbours. It’s a very easy game to play and will keep your child entertained while they’re learning to discriminate between sounds; an essential skill in Phonics. Play this game with a variety of different sounds and contexts. You can play it when you’re in the car, walking in the woods or anywhere at all! It’s a great game for getting your older/younger children involved too. Close your eyes and listen for the sounds, the possibilities are endless!
Maths: Fancy making some traditional Chinese food? There is so much maths in cooking. It will give your child first hand experiences of measuring and putting number use in context. Cooking provides yet another example of why we need to know our numbers. The recipes below range from easy to pretty tricky. Fortune cookies are very challenging indeed, speaking from experience!
Another mathematical opportunity during CNY is using ordinal numbers – first, second, third, etc. Have a race with your child in a variety of contexts. It could be running, swimming, cycling, etc, any opportunity will do. Use the language whenever you can doing different activities. Sequence your bedtime routine – first we take a bath, second we put our pajamas on, third we brush our teeth, fourth we read a story and fifth and finally we go to sleep.

Until next time, do good looking for adventures, clean your ears out for good listening and turn your noggins (brains) on for good learning.
Take care and stay safe,
Mrs Howe, Mrs Bain, Mrs Mitzman, Mrs Hill and Mrs Bence