Year One have been working hard in English to learn the story of the Funnybones by Allan Ahlberg. First we drew a whole class story map for the text, agreeing together what drawings and actions best represented the words. We used traffic light colours to show the beginning, middle and end of the story: “green for go!”, “orange for the middle” and red “for stopping soon”. The children continued to enjoy Funnybones options in their choosing time, which we love to see!
Lions and Panthers both took a class vote to change the Funnybones and make a new class story. Lions changed the characters to our namesake animal, the lion and the Panthers vote was for the characters to be dragons!
The children found it really helpful to change their story maps with a partner, using stickers to cover the words we were replacing.
To develop our understanding of what makes a good sentence, we decided 4 key things which make our sentences successful: “A sentence needs a who- the person the sentence is about”, “a sentence needs a capital letter, “a sentence needs a full stop” and “a sentence needs finger-spaces”.
How you can help at home:
– Encourage your child to identify the beginning, middle and end of stories you share together
– When sharing a text, identify our four key things for a successful sentence within the book.