This term we have started a new book called ‘ I Can Be Anything Don’t Tell Me I Can’t’ by Diane Arbus. It is a book about a little girl with huge dreams. She faces a battle with little voices that tell her that she is unable to follow her dreams. She comes to learn that by believing in herself and learning new things she can be anything she wants to be!
First we discussed our dream jobs. We had a special video email from our RockSteady leader, Mr. Ian who told us all about his own dreams which led him to become a band leader and musician. We drew and labelled what we want to be when we grow up.
We are excited to learn the story even more and then change the story ourselves in the next few weeks.
How to help at home:
Practice sentence writing with a capital letter and full stop.
Use robot arms to sound out unknown words.
Use a harder to read and spell word sheet to identify correct spellings.