Happy New Year!

It was lovely to see all the Nursery children come back to school after a very cold and wet December break!  They all seem to have grown over the holiday…

We would also like to extend a warm welcome to our January starters who have settled into their new class beautifully.  They have done incredibly well this week to join in with all the activities and routines of the day and they are already starting to form friendships in the group.

Our learning this term will be focussing on our school wide topic of “Dig a Little deeper”. The children had fun listening to our story about Hermione and Hamish Hole’s Adventures.   We thought about where we will be able to see holes in our daily lives.   We then went on a treasure hunt to find holes all over our classroom and playground and the children made the observation that most of the holes they found were round.

In Maths we have been working very hard at counting accurately and making sure the last number said represents the amount we counted.  We had great fun during active learning doing our mystery counting – children had to find the correct objects to put in their bags and count them out carefully to make sure they got the correct number.

For our art project, we have been looking at Andy Goldsworthy and his natural sculptures.  We had a  great time ripping the coloured paper and making our collage pictures to represent his work.


How you can help at home?

Let your child explore with numbers at home, can they find 3 lego bricks, 5 pens, 1 football and see if they can represent each number using their fingers or even writing the numeral.

Have a lovely weekend & stay warm

The Nursery Team xxx