This week in Reception we have delved deeper into the history of castles. The children were fascinated to find out the differences between palaces and castles.
During our carpet sessions we have looked at the different features of castles and palaces. The children then used their new knowledge within child initiated learning time to complete the challenges in class. The children were able to write sentences about knights, kings and castles independently. Others created more props for the role play area and we even made a few helmets to protect our brave knights. The children have been very engaged with their learning this week and it was evident as we could hear lots of discussions about castle battlements, the keep, dungeons, moats and arrow slits.
In maths we have investigated what happens when we count in 1’s and how that looks when it is represented with cubes. The children enjoyed checking to see if they could change the sequence of counting without disrupting the staircase models but of course that didn’t work! We learned a silly rhyme to help us put our numbers back in order… Diddly diddly do, I’m bigger than you… Diddly diddly dee, you are smaller than me!
Here is a small clip that could help support your child with their understanding of number sequencing. https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b08cr0y7/numberblocks-series-1-off-we-go#orbit-more-drawer
How to help at home:
This week have learned two digraphs and two trigraphs. It would be very beneficial if you could support your child to find these sounds in their library books, magazines or while out and about looking at shop windows or advertisements.
As always have a lovely weekend,
The Reception team xxx