This week in Nursery

This week in Literacy we have started a new book – Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell. The children have loved immersing themselves in all things zoo and animal! We have learned lots of new skills including predicting and reasoning, remembering why each animal had to be sent back. “The giraffe is too tall!” “The lion is too fierce!”

We took our Literacy into the hall for PE, where we were learning to use the space and travel in different ways safely. Here we are having immense fun stomping like an elephant, slithering like a snake and hopping like a frog! Can you think of any other ways to travel like an animal? Some of us were really kind and helpful towards our new friends that joined Nursery in January by partnering up and showing them some ideas.


We have been consolidating our number recognition, as well as counting and representing numbers on our fingers. Some of us are quite creative when we say “show me 3 in a different way”. We really enjoyed playing a sorting game, where we had to put our number in the correct hoop!


On Mondays, we start our week with some mindfulness art activities. This term we are learning about the artist Yayoi Kusama. She is from Japan and loves all things spotty! Have a look at some of the work we have created this week – we are really practising our fine motor skills. We think they look fab! Keep an eye out for more creative things from us soon! You can find out about Yayoi Kusama here:

How you can help at home:

  • Check your child’s belongings are all labelled, including spare clothes, PE kits and wellies
  • Talk to your child about the story Dear Zoo – you can watch it here. What is their favourite animal? Can they tell you why?
  • Play a game of ‘Where’s the teddy?’ Practise prepositions with your child – the bear is in front of the chair. The monkey is behind the sofa.
  • Begin to talk to your child about many and few. Can your child identify the set of toys that has more/many and the set of toys that has fewer?
  • Get creative at home! We’d love to see some of your creative skills – you can share them on Tapestry or send them into school in your child’s book bag. You might want to do something spotty, just like Yayoi Kusama!