
This week in RE we have been learning about the Hindu festival of Holi.

We were interested to find out that Holi is a celebration of new life and the beginning of Spring. We learned that it is also called the ‘Festival of Colour’ and ‘Festival of Love’ and that it lasts for one day and one night.

We enjoyed learning about how Hindu’s celebrate Holi and particularly pleased when we read that it can be celebrated by everyone, not just HIndu’s as it looked like so much fun.

We had our own Holi party. One way Hindu’s celebrate Holi is by throwing brightly coloured powder and water at each other. We didn’t think our grown up’s would be very pleased if we came home covered in paint, so instead we used pastels to draw pictures of ourselves and then went outside to spray water on to our picutres and throw the powder paint over them.  Here we are having lot’s of fun!