As lots of you know already, as part of our topic for this term we have learnt lots about the rainforests and in Jigsaw lessons we have been learning about being a Healthy Me! So, as part of our Mindful Mondays we have been studying, planning and evaluating healthy smoothie brands to help us know how to make our very own!
Most of us have been very excited to start the making process and at last it was our turn to make our smoothies this week! We had our ingredients list ready and began collecting the fruits we needed for our smoothie. We were shown how to use the tools and then we got to work! We used our cutting skills to chop the fruits into the right amount we needed and were careful to follow our recipe list.
Then, the quite loud and exciting part started! We put our pieces into the blender and watched and waited for our smoothies to be blended into a liquid!
When our ingredients were fully blended we were then able to try them out! Some of us really liked our smoothie taste and others evaluated that we would add different kinds of fruits next time to give it a different taste. Take a look below at some of us looking proud and excited with our smoothies.