We have been very busy learning more about how we can keep ourselves healthy and safe. We have been focusing on looking after our teeth and our oral health. Not only did we learn to brush our teeth twice a day for 2 minutes at a time but as a class we tried to think about the foods and drinks that would be good for our teeth. We sang a tooth brushing song to show us just how long 2 minutes are… we were super surprised to find out it was much longer than we expected! https://youtu.be/gdcn9KbNTQY
During our active learning opportunities, the children really enjoyed brushing the dirty teeth!
This learning about different types of food crossed over into our maths sessions as we learned to sort objects into groups with specific criteria. We were able to follow the different criteria to sort objects according to their colours, shapes and patterns. Once we were very confident in grouping this way, we decided to make up our own criteria.
This gave us the chance to look at each other’s groupings and see if there are any other criteria that would also fit in. We even managed to play our sorting game in the forest too. We are now explaining why we have decided to put objects together and looking to find the odd one out depending on the criteria.
How you can help at home?
Here is a little video to review what we have learned!
Why don’t you get the children to sort their toys at home and ask them why they have grouped them the way they did. Please do add any of the children’s’ home learning onto tapestry for us to see and celebrate.
Have a lovely weekend,
The Nursery Team x