Maths in Year One

Recently in Maths, Year One have been developing their understanding of comparison.

We already understand the language of more, fewer, greater, smaller and less so have been starting to use this Maths language more fluently and confidently within our learning.

We have been working out the difference in a range of contexts, firstly practically and then by investigating pictograms.

We have also been building on the understanding of what ‘equal’ means and writing some balanced number equations in our books.

We recapped how a weighing scale works and remembered how we explored them in Child Initiated Learning in Reception.

Our key sentence for this week was:

Equal to (=) means that both sides of the number sentence have the same value.

How you can help at home:

  • Make your own pictogram by investigating family member’s favourite colours or something of your choice.
  • Strengthen your child’s one to one correspondence counting by lining items up to count them practically.
  • Identify how many more and how many less a group has. i.e. There are 3 more santa cookies than rudolph cookies. There are 3 less rudolph cookies than santa cookies!


Have a nice weekend!