For the last few weeks the Reception children have been very busy rehearsing for their Christmas show. The children listened carefully to instructions when putting the show together and took these instructions on board excellently. This week they were able to perform their fabulous show to the rest of Merry Hill and their parents. The Reception team have been blown away by how well the children learnt their parts and for performing so confidently in front of an audience! The shows this week have been a real success. Well done to all of the Reception children! We are extremely proud of each and everyone of you 🙂
How you can help at home:
- Keep reading the phonics books with your child. Repeated reading helps to develop reading fluency. (Reading fluency is important because it develops comprehension and motivates readers)
- Practice counting to 10 and subitising to 3.
- Model language by talking about your favourite part of the show. Then ask your child what their favourite part of the show was. Try to develop their talk further by repeating their sentence back with additional detail e.g child – I liked the singing. Adult – You liked singing Jingle Bells in front of the audience.