At Merry Hill Infant School we look forward to starting each week with a Mindfulness Monday session.
This term, Year 1 are developing their knowledge and skills in Art by looking at sculptor Andy Goldsworthy.
Andy Goldsworthy loves the environment and only uses natural resources to create spectacular sculptures. Last week we viewed and discussed the work of Andy Goldsworthy and labelled his work with adjectives.
This week we put on our Wellington Boots and went to the woods to make our own sculptures, imitating the work of Andy Goldsworthy.
We discussed the difficulties of getting natural resources to attach and balance. Some of our sculptures were quickly blown down in the wind! We observed that different sculptures would last outside for different amounts of time and depending on the weather.
We look forward to developing our skills and creating more sculptures like Andy Goldsworthy.
How you can help at home:
Create your own Andy Goldsworthy sculpture using your choice of material. Andy Goldsworthy uses different colour leaves, frost, ice, sticks, shells, puddles, stones and mud!
Remember to share your pictures on Seesaw!