This week in RE we have been thinking about places that are special to us.
We decided a special place could be used for lots of different occasions. It might be somewhere that helps us to feel calm, somewhere we can go when we want to be on our own, a place to go when we are feeling a bit cross or angry and also somewhere with other people.
We all had different special places, and some of us had more than 1 place. Here are some of our ideas.
- On my Decking
- My Bedroom
- On the Sofa in the Living Room
How to support at home
- Identify special places at home and when out and about. Talk about how they can help us at different times and when we might like to visit them.
- Discuss special places that different religious people visit e.g. church, synagogue, temple.
- Look out for places of worship when out and about, talk about why people visit them.