This week in Reception

This week, as part of our Time Travellers Topic, we have been thinking about families and talking about how we have changed since we were babies. We will be looking at photos of some of the grown ups as babies and seeing if we can guess who the babies are! We will be using our investigation skills once again to find out about our friends as babies too!

In Maths this week we have continued to use ‘perceptual’ subitising. The children are brilliant at remembering our key sentence ‘Subitising means say what you see without counting’. The children have also been encouraged to look at quantities and observe whether the quantity has changed or only the arrangement. They have also been making comparisons between groups of objects, identifying when a group has ‘more’ or ‘fewer’ items.

We have been focusing on writing numbers and trying to remember all numbers start from the top. We have used these little rhymes to help us:

0 – Around and round and round we go,  when we get home we have a zero.

1 – Start at the top and down we run, that’s the way we make a one.

2 – Around and back on a railroad track, two, two, two.

3 – Around the tree and around the tree, that is how we make a three.

4 – Down and over, around some more, that is how we make a four.

5 – Down and around then a flag on high, that’s the way we make a five.



The children in Reception have been learning a new story this week – The Magic Porridge Pot. We have learned some new actions to go with the story too – ask us what they are!

We set the children a special mission this week because the role play babies had got themselves into a bit of a mess! We asked the children to help wash them as they’d covered themselves in porridge. The children did a fantastic job and were very careful not to wipe porridge in their eyes. Well done reception for being so kind and helpful.


We have been exploring signs of autumn in our investigation area this week. We spoke about using our senses to help us discuss what we noticed. We also had a go at cutting up some different fruit and looking at the seeds inside them using magnifying glasses! We had lots of questions and interesting things to share with our friends.


This week we have been learning all about harvest. We watched a special assembly and sang a harvest song. We have also been creating observational drawings of fruit and vegetables, as well as observing the seeds in different foods too.

How you can help at home:

Use foam numbers in the bath to put in order from 1-5. Select one number and ask your child what number is one more or one less. Practise writing the numbers using a paintbrush and water on paving slabs.

Have a go at making your own porridge at home – what could you put in it to make it even tastier?


This week we have learned the phonemes, ‘ck,’ ‘e’, ‘u,’ and ‘r’. Here are the mnemonics we have used to help us to form the graphemes correctly.

ck – the camel stood by the kid

e – around the head and down the trunk

u – under and up the umbrella and down to the tip

r – down her body and over her arm

The nursery rhyme this week is ‘Hickory, Dickory Dock.” Have a go at singing this at home: