Wow! What a brilliant first full week we have had in Nursery! We have been busy familiarising ourselves with the classroom, making friends and beginning to learn about the Golden Rules for keeping everybody safe and happy at school.
This week we have been focussing on ‘Do be kind and helpful’. Have a look at us in Nursery demonstrating that we know how to do this so fantastically!

We have also been trying our best to be helpful at tidy up time. It can be tricky remembering where all our toys and resources are kept but we have been doing a great job so far.
This week was very exciting for us as we had our first PE lesson! We even braved the rain and went up to the big playground where we practised some of our hand-eye coordination skills. Some of us are brilliant at rolling hula hoops and we will continue to practise our hula hooping skills.
How you can help at home
* talk to your child about their day – what went well or made them happy?
* share your child’s library book with them or visit the local library
* narrate your day as you go about your daily activities and encourage your child to help or get involved
* support your child’s independence skills – give them time to learn how to put their shoes on, their coat on etc.
* establish good bedtime routines and morning routines before coming to school