Our first week in Year 1

 Welcome back, everyone! It has been wonderful to see the bright, happy faces of all the children this week and to meet with you. We’ve had a fantastic start to the new school year, and I’m excited to share what we’ve been up to.

At the beginning of the week, our headteacher, Ms Adams,  sent out a letter sharing our school vision. A key part of this vision is ensuring that every child feels happy and ready to learn. With that in mind, we’ve dedicated this first week to focusing on the “happy face” element—making sure that every child feels welcomed, secure and excited about the year ahead.

In Year 1 we have been exploring our classroom areas and settling into year 1 routines.

We have been thinking carefully about the Golden Rules. Whilst thinking about the Golden Rule ‘Do Look After Property’ we hunted around the classroom for useful resources we might need to use and practised putting our belongings away neatly.

We have also been thinking about the ‘Zones of Regulation. We have been thinking about how we feel and which zone that would be in. We practised visiting our safe spaces within our classroom, figure 8 breathing and mindful colouring to remind us what we can do when we need to self regulate.

We had our first science lesson this week and have been learning about the human body. We have been following another of our Golden Rules ‘Do work hard’ by paying attention on the carpet and joining in with discussions. The children demonstrated what they had heard and talked about by labelling a friend’s body. It was great fun when a Lion and Panther laid down and Miss Bates and Miss Honnor drew around their whole body with the pen! Here are some pictures of what we did:

We are extremely impressed with how well the children have settled back in after the summer holidays and we are looking forward to the year ahead.