Religous Artefacts

In RE this week we have really enjoyed talking about and handling a range of artefacts linked to Christianity and Judaism.


When learning about Christianity, we looked carefully at a bible, cross and rosary beads.

We also looked at a Torah, seder plate and a prayer shawl.

It was lovely to hear lots of the children sharing their own experiences linked to their religions and telling stories about times when they have used some of the artefacts and events they have attended.


How to help at home

  • Visit the library and look for books that share information about different religions.
  • If you follow a religion talk to your grown ups about any religious artefacts that you may have at home.
  • Share some photos to Seesaw to show your friends any religious artefacts or events you have experienced.
  • Talk to your family and friends about different religions that they follow.