Summer fun

This week in Nursery we have continued to learn about minibeasts and we followed the silvery trail of the travelling snail of  ‘The snail and the whale’ by Julia Donaldson.  Watch the story being read aloud and see if you can help your child to identify the rhyming words. We also read non-fiction books about snails that taught us interesting facts about snails! We even learned a funny song about a snail called Bob! 🐌

During our phonics sessions , we worked very hard to orally blend sounds simple together to make up words 
as well as beginning to segment words into the sounds that make up the words (blending: s-u-n is sun /  segmenting: fun is f-u-n)  This will help us when we are ready to start reading and writing by ourselves in Reception.

In maths we continued with recognising, ordering and forming numbers.  The songs we sing and games we play help us to really understand numbers and what they represent (e.g 4 is 1 more than 3, but it is 1 less than 5 and will be between 3 and 5 in a number line.)

As if the week has not been busy enough, the children have been working very hard to complete an elaborate piece of art where they had to combine multiple steps to achieve the final results- we are really excited to share the results of our Tingatinga project with you as soon as it is complete!

Reminder: It is our sports day next Friday and we have had a great time practicing our new skills. Please ensure your child’s PE kit is in school so we can practice getting changed and also for us to be prepared for our Sports Day.

How you can help at home: You can practice singing the counting songs and stopping the video in intervals and asking your child what number they think is going to be next.