This week in Nursery we have been very busy being creative, focusing on using our class book to create our own story.
To start our little journey, the children listened to the story of Rosie’s Walk by Pat Hutchins and learned to retell the story using actions, drama and the story map. Later when they were confident in retelling the story, they acted it out during our PE sessions. They used the equipment in the hall to decide where the different areas of Rosie’s farmyard would be and used the language from the book to retell the story.
Our learning continued outside where the children acted out the story in the big playground and then also in the forest before we did a “big write” in class where the children worked together to adapt our story to make it our own. Nursery are now the proud authors of “Maisy’s walk in Nursery”
In maths the children have been looking at how to separate a group of objects in different ways, recognising that the total is still the same. We have been very impressed with how well they understood this and used counting bears to show their work.
How you can help at home:
Can you help your child to divide small groups of their toys in different ways without changing the number of objects.