In Year two, we learn many different strategies to help with our spellings. We have learnt lots of new spelling rules. Our main focus recently has been suffixes and what happens to the root word when we add a suffix. We have been learning to add the suffixes ‘-ed’ and ‘-ing’.

When learning about the suffix ‘ed’, we learnt that if the word ends in a consonant diagraph we just add ‘ed’, for example:

However, when the word ends with an ‘e’ we remove the ‘e’ and add ‘ed’. For example:

After lots of practice in our Spelling lessons, we are then given the challenge of completing a task related to the spelling rule. Take a look at some of our work below:
How to help at home:
- Practise the spellings sent home weekly, ready for the spelling test every Friday.
- Take a look below for a variety of ideas: