This term in PE we have been making shapes with our bodies in Gymnastics. In our Time Travelers topic we have been looking at the globe in Geography and looking at shapes from above (aerial view) in our maps.
In Maths we continued learning all about shapes by becoming 2D and 3D Shape Detectives. We hunted high, we hunted low and we found 2D shapes around our classrooms.
We found circles, triangles, rectangles, squares, ovals and even some pentagons, hexagons and octagons. One of our friends commented that an octagon shape with 8 sides is like an octopus with their 8 legs!
We took our learning outside using chalk and natural materials to make 2D shapes.
The children used the number of sides and vertices to explain how they knew what shape was what. Well done, everyone.
How you can help at home
Go on a shape hunt around your house. How many circles, squares, rectangles, triangles and hexagons can you spot? For example your dinner plate may be a circle! Once you have spotted a shape, tell a grown up or friend how you know it is that shape. For example “This is a triangle because it has 3 sides and 3 vertices.”