This week in Nursery . . .

Hello Everyone!

How quickly has this week gone by! On Monday we continued with our measuring theme up in the woods – using tape measures and string to see how big the trees are – there were some really big ones and teeny tiny ones too. The biggest tree needed 3 tape measures!

In Literacy we have been learning about how fruit grows with a non-fiction text ‘Where Does Fruit Come From?’ and have planted some cress and spinach seeds. We decided cress was quicker to grow as we found out it takes 5 years for an orange tree to bear fruit!! We also have been busy builders this week. From assault courses outside to railway tracks inside we have been doing great team work. The dinosaurs though had other ideas about the train track and were watching closely how much of their habitat it would use!

Our bean diaries are getting exciting as some of the beans are starting to grow! We have been taking pictures of them growing to add to the diaries.


Until next time, do good looking for adventures, clean your ears out for good listening and turn your noggins (brains) on for good learning.

Take care, stay safe and have a lovely long weekend!

Mrs Howe, Mrs Bain, Mrs Mitzman,  Mrs Hill and Mrs Bence