Hello Everyone!
We have made a wonderful discovery this week, Nursery are supreme snail finders! No stone, tree, bush or leaf was left unsearched in the the woods and garden. Children noticed that they were able to find considerably more snails in the morning than in the afternoon. When asked why this could be, children thought that in the morning the woods were damp and a bit wet. By the afternoon the skies had become a bit sunnier and the snails were a bit trickier to find.
As children were so keen on learning about snails we read The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson. Children were really good at remembering some of her other titles, naming the Gruffalo and The Smartest Giant in Town. Facts we learned about snails were there are lots of different kinds (43,000 a BIG number), the spirals on their shells are called whorls, woodlands are a great habitat for snails, and some snails eat those pesky aphids that hurt our plants and leave our plants mostly alone. We also had a go at drawing our own spirals.
Our caterpillars have now all turned into cocoons! We’re waiting very patiently for them to emerge. Last week we also had a very special visitor who brought us in some fantastic fossils that we could touch and look at. One of them was a real dinosaur bone!! How cool! We also had an ammonite, a brittle star and a crinoid.
Until next time, do good looking for adventures, clean your ears out for good listening and turn your noggins (brains) on for good learning.
Take care, stay safe, have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Howe, Mrs Bain, Mrs Mitzman, Mrs Hill and Mrs Bence.