Hi Everyone!
Our first blog! We have settled in very well and are busy learning all our new routines, our new classmates and exploring the toys and learning opportunities , inside and out.
They’ve been reassuring for them and a great talking point when making new friends.
Routines are a big part of the day and it’s important for us to establish them. They help us to know what to expect next for instance, which can be really comforting when everything is so new. It’s important too to have them at home. Imagine the chaos if you didn’t have a bedtime routine! Imagine if we didn’t have routines in class, that really would be overwhelming for a child!!
Please take a look at some of the variety of activities we’ve been busy doing this week: filling and emptying water (and splashing) and scooping up shaving foam ‘ice cream’.
Until next time, do good looking for adventures, clean your ears out for good listening and turn your noggins (brains) on for good learning.
Take care, stay safe and see you soon!
Mrs. Howe, Mrs. Gavriel, Mrs. Mitzman, and Mrs. Hill