Welcome to Reception!


Hello Elephants and Zebras!!

What a fantastic first week at school you have had – we think there will be some slightly tired children ( and teaching staff!) this weekend. There has been a lot to take in, new friends, new adults, new spaces to explore – and you have been amazing!

We have been talking about the Golden Rules this week which are:

Do be gentle
Do be kind and helpful
Do work hard
Do look after property
Do listen to people
Do be honest

We have explored our indoor and outdoor spaces, we used lots of water outside, listened to lots of stories and recapped the numbers we know. The children have been learning one another’s names, taking turns with the toys and sharing. Some of the children that are from Merry Hill Nursery have even helped other children to turn on the taps when washing hands and have helped with the lunchtime routine in the dining room. They have also displayed some great manners and we learned a new song which you could ask your children to sing to you at home:

(to the tune of ‘I Hear Thunder’)

Please and thank you,

Please and thank you,

Sounds so nice,

Sounds so nice,

Manners are important,

Manners are important,

Be polite,

Be polite.

Most importantly we have had lots of fun this week  -we  hope it’s a weekend full of adventures and lots of sleep ready for our first full week at school!

The Reception Team