This week in Nursery…

We have had a very busy and exciting time, not only did we get to celebrate Eid with our friends, but we also had time to prepare for our Easter celebrations.

We had super special visitors coming into school to teach us more about Ramadan.  I was very impressed with how well everyone listened to the story and thoroughly enjoyed learning about why Muslims celebrate Ramadan.  After the story, the children had the chance to taste some yummy dates and there were lots of activities set up by our special guests.  The children got to try on special head coverings, they made sun catchers and they even tried to make their own Mehndi patterns for their friends.  Thank you so much for the mummies who made this all possible, it was great fun!

We also had the chance to prepare for Easter and we learned all about the signs of new life we can see at this time of the year.

We were very impressed to see the blossoms in the forest and the new buds growing on the trees.  This made us think about why we get chocolate eggs at Easter time and we were very interested to know that it is actually because of the new start of life when baby birds hatch.

Everybody worked very hard this term and we as a team think you all deserve a relaxing break.  We look forward to seeing you all back at school on Monday 17th of April- ready for another term of exciting new learning.

How can you help at home during the break? 

Can the children go on a Signs of Spring walk and take some photos for Tapestry?  We would love to make a collage of all the new life erupting around us.  Here is an Easter Nursery rhyme you could practice too!.

Have a lovely break,

The Nursery Team xx