We had yet another super busy week in Nursery and it does not look like we are going to slow down anytime soon!
Last Friday we had a fantastic time at our Sports Day and it was lovely to see that all our hard work during PE lessons have certainly paid off. From egg and spoon races, relay races and penalty shootouts, seeing the children enjoy themselves in the sunshine was very rewarding, but to see them behave themselves impeccably and cheering on their friends was the icing on the cake! Well done to all the children- you have outdone yourselves.

As promised a few weeks back, we are finally ready to reveal the project we have been working on this term! As part of our Expressive Arts and Design development, we have learned about an amazing artist called Edward Tingatinga. In class we researched where Edward was from, locating Tanzania on a globe and comparing his artistic style to our other artist from Spring term, Yayoi Kusama. The children were fascinated to see that both artists liked using dots in their artwork, but that they had very different end results.
We looked at the vibrant colours Edward used and chose the colours we would use to start our own pictures. Our first step was to paint our backgrounds, next we selected our favourite African animals that we had to decorate with dots and patterns. Next we used our developing fine motor skills to cut out the silhouette of our bushveld trees before finally choosing contrasting colours to paint the borders for our art pieces.

Edward Tingatinga
Although this project took a few weeks to complete, I am sure everyone will be very impressed by the extraordinary artwork the children produced that is currently on display in our cloakroom!

Our inspiration piece
How you can help at home:
While out and about this weekend, why not collect natural materials to create a multi step art project at home. We are attempting to support children in understanding that they can always return to a piece of work and adjust and improve on it over time.
We hope you have a fabulous, sunny weekend! Please don’t forget about our Summer Fair at Ashfield School on Saturday from 12:00 to 15:00!
The Nursery Team x