We had a very exciting and busy week as we are preparing to move up to Reception!
This week the children got the opportunity to visit their new classrooms and meet all their new teachers. They were so excited when they returned to Nursery, they all talked at once to share what they have seen and done. As you can imagine, there might be a few jitters about the coming changes but after meeting the adults in Reception, I am sure the children will settle in very quickly.
In English this week, we have been working on remembering our Talk for Writing actions to perform the story “Sharing a Shell” by Julia Donaldson. This is a work in progress that will last for a little while longer as our topic continues. The children have enjoyed learning some facts about hermit crabs and how they use sea snail shells to protect themselves. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QYwz9EdUbk&pp=ygUtc2hhcmluZyBhIHNoZWxsIGJ5IGp1bGlhIGRvbmFsZHNvbiByZWFkIGFsb3Vk
In maths we have continued to work on number recognition but have now moved on to include numbers 1-20. We are working on ordering the numbers, finding what number is 1 more than a given number. We had a great time playing a variety of games to support this learning.
During our child initiated learning the children had a great time exploring the different activities linked with our class story and this has led to a whole range of learning happening at once! We used the pasta shells to make dinner for each other, we made play dough shells for our hermit crabs to move into, we drew the characters of our story and while exploring in the forest they enjoyed making trails with the white pebbles just like Dory (Disney’s Finding Dory 🐠) to show their way back home!
How can you help at home:
The Nursery team