This week, we have revisited our class story ‘Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?’ We tried to create our own story based on the book, and have been thinking about some other animals that Brown Bear could have seen. These are some of our ideas..
Over the past few weeks, we have been focusing on the numbers 1, 2 and 3. We have been learning the rhymes for writing the numbers:
We have also been learning about what each quantity looks like. For example, what does ‘3 cars’ look like? We call this subitising. Subitising is when you can look at a group of objects or images, such as dots, and know how many there are without counting them one by one.
Our phonics lessons have focused on listening to the sounds in our environment and seeing if we can identify them. In order to hear the sounds, we have learnt that we need to keep very still and quiet! Some sounds have been easy to identify and some have been a bit trickier!
How you can help at home:
- Sit quietly at home and listen carefully to the sounds you can hear. Ask your child to draw a picture of something they can hear. Go for a walk and listen to the sounds outside.
- Collect two or three objects and arrange them in different ways, showing your child that the number of objects stays the same, even though the layout may change.
- Talk about different animals with your child. What is their favourite animal? Can they draw a picture of it?