This week, we have been continuing with our class story, ‘Each Peach Pear Plum’ by Janet and Alan Ahlberg.
The story is beautifully illustrated and has given us many opportunities to talk about some well-known nursery rhymes and story characters: ‘Cinderella is walking up the stairs’ (Theo). ‘Little Bo Peep is sitting on the well.’ (Anaya)
During our Exploring Time, we have been doing a range of activities related to the story. One of our favourites has been using the masks and hats and dressing up as some of the characters!
At the end of the story, all the characters meet together and have a picnic. One of our role play activities was to set out a picnic in Nursery. We had to think carefully about making sure we had enough plates, knives and forks for all our friends.
During an art activity, we created paper sandwiches for our picnic. We thought carefully about the shapes and colours that we could use to represent the different picnic foods. We also used apples, pears and carrots to print and we talked about the patterns they made on our paper.
We noticed that a lot of fruit and vegetables appear in the story illustrations and this led to a Maths activity where we had to find the right number of fruits/vegetables and match them to the right colour!
The Three Bears are some of the characters in Each Peach Pear Plum, and our small world and construction activity was using coloured wooden blocks to create houses for the Three Bears and their friends.
How you can help at home:-
- Encourage your child to talk about what makes a healthy meal – what food should we eat more/less of?
- Ask your child to count out the right number of plates/forks/knives/spoons to help prepare the table for a meal.
- During our phonics sessions this week, we have been looking at the sounds ‘s’ and ‘a’. Go for a walk around your house or outside and see how many things they can notice starting with these sounds.