This week the children had an amazing time continuing learning about our class story: Zog!

Not only have they learned the sequence of the story and used drama and actions to act out the story but this week they have also changed it as a class to where Zog is learning how to be a pupil at Merry Hill School! The children have even started independently writing sentences about Zog and his adventures.

As part of our topic on Castles, Kings and Dragons the children used their imagination to turn cardboard boxes into castle walls, drawbridges, shields and crowns! The children have been using the topic vocabulary we have learned in their play and are able to explain their new knowledge to others.

During our phonics session, the children have learned additional digraphs and they are becoming very adept at identifying them within words and even using them in their own writing when labelling the body parts of a dragon.
How you can help at home:
In maths, the children have continued to learn how to subitise (saying what they see without counting) numbers up to six and how to identify numbers within a larger number, e.g The 6 dots on the dice can be seen as 3 and 3 or 2 and 4. If you are playing board games with a dice or dominoes, can you support your child to identify numbers within numbers.