This week in Reception.

Hello Elephants and Zebras,

We have had another fun-packed week! On Monday we joined our whole school Assembly where we did such good sitting and listening. Padre Nicoll told us about Remembrance Day and why it is important to remember. We played a remembering game and learnt about three amazing women who made a real difference during World War 2.  We also listened to a poem recited by Forces Club called ‘Poppy, Poppy’ and looked at some beautiful drawings of poppies by Bear class.

In Literacy we have started a new story called “Whatever Next”. We are learning to “Listen to and talk about stories to build familiarity and understanding.” (Development Matters 2021)

 At the beginning of the week, we were very surprised to find a rocket in a tree, and a pair of boots, a colander and an owl outside! It was a great start to learning about ‘Whatever Next’.

We have sequenced the pictures from the story, cutting them out and sticking them in our books on a long strip of paper; we had to work hard to remember what happened at the start, the middle and the end!

During choosing time we have been thinking about what Baby Bear might have packed to go on his journey to the moon, what he saw in space and even taking our snack outside to have a picnic, just like Baby Bear.

We have been busy in Phonics learning even more phonemes! Our focus has been ‘y’ ‘z/zz’ ‘qu’ & ‘ch’.

Please practise these phonemes with your child. 

In Maths  we have been looking at the comparison of quantities. We have focused on developing this innate skill by encouraging the children to look carefully and use the language of comparison to describe sets of objects. Adults have modelled the language of ‘more than’ and ‘fewer than’ when describing how many objects they can see.

How you can help at home:
Set up a game of skittles , using empty plastic bottles or similar items. Allow your child to try knocking them down by rolling a soft ball, then ask you child:
Q. Who has knocked over more than[…]?
Q. How do we know?
Q. Who has knocked over fewer than […]?
Have fun and don’t forget to practice recording your numbers on a score sheet too!

In Understanding the World we have been thinking about seasonal change as we head deeper into Autumn and have enjoyed some seasonal activities i.e. scooping out pumpkins and making potions (vinegar, water and bicarbonate of soda) and making bonfire pictures using twigs, sticks and red, yellow and orange leaves!

Our Nursery Rhyme this week has been ‘Five Little Men in a flying saucer’. . Do join in at home!
Wishing you a very happy weekend. 
The Reception Team