This week in Reception

We began this week with “Mindful Monday,” which is an extended morning session where the children practise Art and Design Technology skills. This term we are exploring materials to make Christmas Decorations. We are learning to, “create collaboratively, sharing ideas, resources and skills,” (Development Matters 2021).

We have continued to learn “Whatever Next, ” in our Literacy lessons. This week we have included a picnic in CIL, just like Baby Bear has on the moon and we have been mapping and learning the story off by heart.

We have also been practising our letter formation and labelling the things in Baby Bear’s basket.

“Whatever Next, “has linked nicely with our Space topic this week. We have been making split pin astronauts and shape rockets.

This week we have learned the following sounds:
sh: the shabby ship shook
th: they were thirsty
ng: ping pong
nk: Ooooh! A pink sink!
We have discussed how the two separate sounds, ‘s’ and ‘h’ make one new sound when they are together, ‘sh’.
How you can help at home:
Use the grapheme tiles sent home to generate words with these new sounds at the beginning or end of a word such as:
ship, shop, thin, thud, ring, ping, sink, pink.
Our Nursery Rhyme this week is Row, row, row your boat. Practise this at home: