This week in Reception

We had a fabulous time in Reception this week, making the most of the lovely warm weather by spending lots of time in the Reception playground, the big playground and even the forest.

As part of our Talk for Writing topic, The little Red Hen, we continued to practice using actions to act out the story.  We then innovated our story by changing the characters, the setting and the end of the story but keeping the structure and repeated phrases.  The children are very proud of their created story, “The Little Grey Rhino”.

This week we have really enjoyed our forest session. We have been learning how to stay safe in the forest. We played a game called “What is the world like today?”. We each explored the forest floor to find an interesting item. We brought them back to base camp to share and considered how the item had found its way there. We had some interesting discussions – especially about the sea shell that was found.

This week we had 2 exciting challenges. The first was to find seven woodland animals hiding in the trees. We were very excited to find them but finding the frog was very tricky because it was camouflaged in the leaves.

Then we practised mark making in the soil using sharpened sticks and slate shards.

We have been working very hard to practise the Golden Rule, “Do Listen” when in the forest.

How you can help at home:

Your child has brought a phonics book and a reading book home in their book bags today.  Please take the time to help your child read the phonics book by sounding out the words and blending them together.  Reminding them to use their robot arms will help them!

Have an amazing weekend,

The Reception team  x