We had a great time in Nursery this week, continuing with our symmetry learning while visiting the forest, doing PE, retelling our story of “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” as well as our Jigsaw learning about our families. This linked in beautifully with our PURPLE UP day where we celebrated the military children in our class.
While exploring in the forest this week, the children were very good at spotting symmetry in nature. They started making more complex connections when looking for the line of symmetry and some even noticed that there could be more than just 1 line of symmetry.

The children have enjoyed using our puppets to retell the story of the hungry caterpillar and are now able to talk about the lifecycle of butterflies. We had an interesting time looking at the markings on the huge caterpillar Mrs Hill found in our garden and we were so enthralled by our visitor that we made him a cozy house in class. Unfortunately he escaped from his house and we are now patiently waiting to see if he comes out of his hiding place and if he is going to turn into a butterfly or moth!
For PURPLE UP day, we had a great discussion about what it is like to be a military child and we were incredibly proud of Sebastian and Laurie who told the whole class about what their grown ups do in the military. We then decided to make dandelion pictures- as dandelions are the official flower of the military child. We had a great time with Private Hall who came to class to tell us about life in the military and taught us how to march and salute!

How you can help at home:
As we have started changing into our PE kits this week, we would appreciate it if the children could practice getting changed at home by themselves too. Practising the tricky skills of doing their buttons and putting on their shoes will really help them (and you 😉)
We hope you have a lovely bank holiday weekend and we will see you all on Tuesday 2nd May.
The Nursery team xx