Year 1

This week we took part in a whole school celebration to explore vocabulary. To start the day off, we all introduced the word we had chosen and discussed the words’ meaning.

In the afternoon we had an exciting assembly hosted by Mr.Reid. We walked around the hall in a great, big circle -a vocabulary parade to show everyone our amazing and imaginative costumes!

Then Panthers and Lions went to the playground to listen to an exciting story together. We used story spoons to take turns acting out the story of Pumpkin Soup.

Finally, we ended the day with a word hunt to find lots of different harder to spell words and learn about their meanings.

How you can encourage vocabulary building at home:

When you come across a new word- look in a dictionary to see what it means.

When reading if you come across a word such as ‘happy’ or ‘sad’. Can you think of more words that have the same meaning? (synonyms).

Encourage your child to read at least 4 times a week.