
In Autumn 1 we have learnt so much in Computing. We can now confidently open a laptop, turn it on and login to a program called Purple Mash. We are becoming more familiar with the keyboard and touch pad. We have used PurpleMash to complete different tasks and explore games during Choosing time. We are learning to navigate our way around PurpleMash by logging in with login cards and then safely using the keyboard to type our individual passwords. On PurpleMash we have created animal fact files where we uploaded images and drew our own images. We also wrote text to label the images. We have also used PurpleMash to collect ideas from our friends about what our favourite fruit is and recorded it on a pictogram! Panther class adore strawberries, by the way.

How you can support at home:
Practise using a qwerty keyboard at home.
Practise turning a laptop on and off safely.
Practise logging on to reading eggs and numbots using your login cards.