This Week in Reception

We cannot believe we are already at the end of our first half term. We have learned so much.

This week has been very exciting. We are learning to, “Recognise that people have different beliefs and celebrate special times in different ways,” (Development Matters 2021). We began the week with special visitors who came into class to teach us about the festival of Diwali.

We made lanterns and rangoli patterns using coloured rice and lentils.

Later on that day we were invited to The Harvest Festival led by Father Burton from St Peter’s Church. Thank you for the wonderful Harvest donations that were displayed on the stage.

The children are learning to, “Observe the natural world around them,” (Development Matters 2021). They have  been very excited to observe visible signs of seasonal change. The teachers have spotted sneaky squirrels in the Reception Garden when the children have all gone home, so the children decided to make them some squirrel snacks in our mud kitchen. We used acorns, conkers, mud and leaves.

We left the snacks out and came inside and the squirrels wasted no time in rushing out to taste our snacks. It was very exciting.


This week we have learned:

b – down the person and around the wheel

h – from his head to his feet, up and over his back

f – over his ear, down to the tail and across the jaw

ff – two foxes facing forward

l – down the long ladder

ll – ladders in a line

Please continue to practise with your grapheme cards at home (more coming this Friday). This week we will be sending home a phonic reading book too so please do read this daily with your child.


We have been rolling dice and subitising the amount we can see. We have then carried out a matching amount of hops, skips or jumps.

How you can help at home:

The Nursery Rhyme this week is:

This has linked well with the weather writing we have been doing in our writing area.

To support the maths learning this week, please play board games at home that require the use of a dice. Please encourage your child to subitise rather than count the dots when playing.

Have a great Half Term.