Counting Poetry

We have learnt that a poem is a piece of writing that expresses a thought, an emotion or a story. Poems can rhyme, use alliteration or have a rhythm, but they don’t have to.

We looked at the poem/song of 5 Little Speckled Frogs. Then we changed the animal of our poem to a fish.

As a class we changed the poem to:

Five green and speckled fish
Sitting on a speckled dish
Eating the most delicious krill, yum, yum

One jumped into the sea
Where it was nice and shiny
Now there are just four speckled fish, glub, glub

Next it was time to creatively change our own poems to an animal of our choice.

Here are some great examples from Lion class and Panther class:

Lion class: Tammy, Sebastian, Hugo, George and Alegria

How you can help at home over Easter:
  • Visit your local library and choose some books to share
  • Keep practising your phonic sounds we have sent home
  • Make up your own addition and subtraction stories using spring scenarios eg there were 15 daffodils. I picked 5. How many are left?

We hope you have a lovely Easter holiday!