Hello Everyone!
What a lovely day we had last Friday. In the morning and in the afternoon, the Year 6 children came along from Ashfield and helped the nursery children to make crowns and they read stories together. A lot of fun was had by all – the nursery children especially enjoyed having lots of stories read to them by the ‘big boys and girls.’
This week it has been rather warm hasn’t it?! We have had lots of water play and stopping for drinks. On Monday we explored the big field and went looking for ladybird larvae. We didn’t find any but we did lie on the grass and watch the leaves of the big Willow trees move in the breeze – it was very relaxing. We’ve had colourful play-dough; a ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ table; and we’ve been busy making a little something for the children to share with someone special on Sunday – we hope you like them!
Until next time, do good looking for adventures, clean your ears out for good listening and turn your noggins (brains) on for good learning.
Take care, stay safe and have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Howe, Mrs Bain, Mrs Mitzman, Mrs Hill and Mrs Bence.