
Over the last few weeks we have been learning about our senses in science.

We have been testing out our senses with some experiments.

For sight we threw beanbags into buckets. We did it with 2 eyes, then challenged ourselves to cover 1 eye and then both. We thought it was much harder when we covered both eyes!

We have also been on a sound walk. We listened carefully for loud sounds and quiet sounds. We talked about the meaning of noisy (when we can hear lots of sounds at the same time).

After half term we are looking forward to experimenting with smell, touch and taste.

In English we have also been using our senses. We learnt a senses poem about the dining hall and performed it in front of our friends. We worked hard to use expression, fluency and actions to make it interesting for the audience.

We picked out the describing words (adjectives) in the poem. After that, we generated describing words for other things e.g. beaches, children, parks. Then, we talked about which adjectives work well and which weren’t quite so useful.

Now we are working towards writing our own senses poems about the forest area. During our forest time this afternoon we worked together to gather some ideas that we could use in our poems. It was a bit tricky to taste things in the forest, so we had a hot chocolate treat whilst we were there to help!

How to support at home

  • Think of different ways you can use your senses – can you find different ways to experiment with them?
  • When you are eating together set a challenge to think of as many different ways to describe your food.
  • Write your own senses poem – it could be about your garden or bedroom.
  • Visit the library and find the poetry books. Discuss the language used within the poems and how they make you feel.