Teen Numbers

This week in Maths we have been learning about the teen numbers.

We have been thinking about each number as 10 and some more. For example, 11 is 10 and 1 more.


We have been using ‘Base 10’ equipment to show the tens and ones within these numbers.


We also looked at the numbers written as a number and as words. We noticed these patterns:

  • The numbers 13 – 19 all end with the word teen, and that teen is quite similar to the word ten.
  • 12 and 20 both have a 2 in them.
  • 10, 11, and 12 all start with the a 1 but they don’t have the word teen in them.
    • When we say 14, 16, 17, 18 and 19 we say the amount more than 10 e.g.  19 is 9 more than 10 so we say nine in nineteen.



Here is some of the learning we have been doing this week:


How to support at home: 

  • Practise counting forwards and backwards to 20 – make sure you say the teen numbers correctly i.e. nineteen instead of ninety
  • Use your toys to represent tens and ones e.g. Lego. Practise exchanging 10 ones for 1 ten and vice versa.
  • Look out for numbers in the environment, can you spot any teen numbers? How many more than 10 is each number that you find?