Ramadan and Eid
We are learning to, “Recognise that people have different beliefs and celebrate special times in different ways.” (Development Matters 2021) Mrs Shaz came to speak to us about Ramadan and Eid. We learnt that during Ramadan, Muslims fast during the hours of daylight and are able to eat before the sun comes up and at nightfall. We thought it would feel like a long time! We were interested to hear that children, the elderly and sick people are not expected to fast. Mrs Shaz explained that when she felt hungry, it made her feel thankful for all that she usually has. She told us that the fruit dates were a really good source of energy after not eating for a long time and that these are often the first things that Muslims eat at the end of the day. Mrs Shaz explained that Muslims have an extra prayer time during Ramadan and she showed us a prayer mat.
Mrs Shaz told us about the celebration of Eid at the end of Ramadan and that it was a time for family and friends to get together and eat a delicious meal together.
We hope all our Muslim families had a wonderful time celebrating Eid!
We have started to learn our new story this week ‘Mr Gumpy’s Outing’ by….in the Talk For Writing style. We are learning to, “Listen to and talk about stories to build familiarity and understanding.” (Development Matters 2021) Here we meet Mr Gumpy, his boat, some children and lots of animals…and a soggy ending!
You can hear the story here:
We are using key vocabulary and actions to help us. Our activities have included the children drawing a journey they have been on; including the transport they travelled on, the place where they were going and the people they were with. The children were encouraged to write the name of the transport, the place and the people on their map. (DM,2021) Another activity involved sequencing the animals as they got onto the boat by cutting and sticking onto paper:
Child Initiated Learning
We have continued this boat theme in our Child Initiated Learning where the children are learning to, “Explore the natural world around them.” (Development Matters 2021) The children have created plasticine boats to flat in the water tray. They had to investigate the best shape and amount to use to make them float.
Some children made boats using bottle tops blue-tac and straws with paper sails. We are also creating a Merry ‘Hill Surf Shack’ role play area. Any buckets, spades, beach towels, Bermuda shorts would be gratefully received!
How you can help at home:
This week our nursery rhyme is Miss Molly had a Dolly. Please sing along at home: