This week in Reception

This week has been another busy week. We were very excited to return to school with tales of our Jubilee celebrations and enjoyed catching up with our class mates. The Reception Environment had Street Party accessories adorning the different areas too.

For literacy this week we have been learning facts about The Queen. A particular highlight was learning how she eats a banana and practising this when eating our snack and lunch. It even improved our posture and manners. Please do pop any photos of your child eating their fruit like a queen onto Tapestry. We would love to see them. (Development Matters 2014, “Develop their small motor skills so that they can use a range of tools competently, safely and confidently.)

Outside we have been trying to find the best sand and water mix to make a castle like The Queen’s and we have been building models of castles in the construction area. We even had a go at making a finger print flag of The Union Jack.

We learned some facts about The Queen then had a go at writing our own:

We have also been practising our aiming skills getting ready for Sports Day. This game was lots of fun and we have big numbers to add together to work out our scores at the end. (Development Matters 2014, “Develop overall body-strength, balance, co-ordination and agility. “)

This week have learned the nursery rhyme Old King Cole. You can join in with it here:

In phonics we are continuing to work on our recognition of harder to read and spell words and have been trying to match captions to pictures and to sequence the alphabet using magnetic letters.

How you can help at home:

Practise singing the alphabet song making sure you sing “l, m, n, o, p” very slowly. Ask your child to write the capital letter to match a lower case letter. Sequence letters in the order of the alphabet using magnetic letters on the fridge or foam letters on tiles whilst in the bath. Check your child knows the letter name and the sound it makes.