Our week had a calm start with Mindfulness Monday as we practised our cutting skills to make a tractor, adding wheels, ladders and shovels. It reminded us of our brilliant trip last week.
(Development Matters, ‘ Children in Reception will be learning to develop their small motor skills so that they can use a range of tools competently, safely and confidently. Suggested tools: pencils for drawing and writing, paintbrushes, scissors, knives, forks and spoons. )
In Literacy, we were excited to learn how to write a recount of our fantastic visit to Mead Open farm. First we learnt a Talk for Writing version of our trip, using photographs to remember the main events. We then created a class story map to also remind us of the order that they happened in. Next, in pairs, we cut and sequenced the photos, preparing us well for writing sentences for our class book. (Development Matters, 2021′ Children in reception will be learning to write short sentences, with words with known sound-letter correspondences using capital letters and a full stop’.)
In Child- Initiated-Learning we took the theme of ‘day trips’ having just been on our first school outing! In the role play area we packed bags, thinking about the things we might need; hat, coat, snacks, lunch, drinks etc… Outside we played in the den and pretended to have a barbeque:
In the malleable area we made food that we could take with us; sandwiches, fruit, cupcakes etc…
We played with the farm in Small World, both inside and out and build stables and barns with different types of construction. Here is one design and the end result!
We even made Numicon sandwiches in the Maths area; taking a 10 piece as the bread and putting two fillings on top to cover the bread as one member of Elephants suggested “pink ham” and “cheese”, that is right 7 and 3 go together to make 10! The children had fun investigating other ways too:
The children have also been very busy….shh….making Fathers’ Day cards ready for Sunday for Dads, Daddies, Grandpas, Uncles and any other special father figures. Here is a sneak preview!
It will come as no surprise to you that our Nursery rhyme this week is ‘Old MacDonald had a farm’, do sing along:https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/nursery-rhymes-old-macdonald-had-a-farm/zn9vhbk