This week we have introduced the topic, “Summer Fun”. The weather has certainly helped to make us all feel as though summer is not far away.
We have been very excited to discover two new areas:
A newly grassed area in the garden
A book making station
We have already used these areas lots to inspire us in making up our own games and stories.
We are learning the story of Mr Gumpy’s Outing. We have sequenced the animals in the order they appear in the story and had a go at recording our own journeys in our writing books. We are learning to, “Write short sentences with words with known sound-letter correspondences using a capital letter and full stop”(Development Matters 2021). We have also learned the story using our Talk for Writing actions. Please ask us to retell it to you at home.
You can listen to the story here:
Mr Gumpy takes his friends on an outing in his boat. We investigated different materials to see which ones would make the best boat. We will make our own boats in the coming weeks and investigate which of those are the best and why.
We are practising forming our numbers correctly and learning, “When counting we point to each object one at a time and say its number name.”
Here we are sorting objects into groups so we can count them reliably, then carefully writing the matching numeral.
We were also excited to see that many of our sunflower seeds have begun to germinate. There was lots of excited chatter about which one was the tallest and why.
We are learning to read and write ccvc (consonant, consonant, vowel, consonant e.g chip) words this term. We are also focusing on recognising harder to read and spell words and will be sending home the words your child needs to practise. The children are working on being able to, “Blend sounds into words, so that they can read short words made up of known letter– sound correspondences,”(Development Matters 2021).
Here is our phonics area where we are practising the alphabet and making and reading ccvc words such as ship, frog and thin.
How you can help at home
Identify consonant, consonant, vowel, consonant words when you are reading with your child.
Revise 4 harder to read and spell words each day. Make sure your child can read the word without using phonics before adding a new word to the pile.
Practise writing numerals using the number rhymes shared with you at the beginning of the year.