This week in Reception

This week we have continued to look at Edward Tingatinga and practised using different media to make various parts of his artwork.

Last week was ‘Walk to School Week’.

As part of this, we learned about Road Safety. We are supporting children to, “Know and talk about the different factors that support their overall health and wellbeing: being a safe pedestrian,” (Development Matters 2021).

We started by learning Super Cat’s Safety Rap.

“Super cat’s here to say Meow,

Want to cross roads safely? I’ll tell you how.

First you stop and look from side to side.

Then you listen and think: that’s the Super Cat guide.”

We have been making our own road safety posters in the writing area, making roads in the small world and making safe crossings for little people characters, making tracks in different materials and drawing out zebra crossings and car parks using chalks in the reception garden.

Here we are on our weekly trip to our lovely library. We really enjoy taking time to look at our books before we head back to the classroom.


Understanding the World

You may remember that during the spring term we were learning about change over time. We each planted a sunflower seed and have nurtured them in the reception garden. Here they are now following a diet of love, water and sunshine. As you can see, they have outgrown our pots so we have moved them to bigger ones. Here are some children measuring them.



We are learning to, “Read a few common exception words matched to the school’s phonic programme.” (Development Matters 2021)

Here is a picture of our phonics area. We are focusing upon our recognition of harder to read and spell words. One of us rolled the dice then it was a race to splat the matching word with the swatter. Some of us had a go at recording our score too.

How you can help at home:

You can play this game at home. Put 5 harder to read and spell words on the floor. Call one out and your child jumps on it as quickly as they can or they can place a toy on it. Get quicker and quicker. Gradually add or swap words.

This week our nursery rhyme is 10 Fat Sausages Sizzling in a pan. Sing along here: