This week in Reception, Zebras and Elephants have been taking their role of story telling very seriously! We had special auditions for our roles in the Christmas show and been busy learning some of the words and songs. We can’t wait to surprise you when you come to watch us!
This week we have been learning all about patterns in Maths. We thought about patterns in the environment, as well as creating our own colour and shape patterns. We used lots of different resources to help us.
We had a big focus on labels and lost property this week in Reception. We set up a ‘Lost Property’ shop as part of our maths and role play areas. We are encouraging the children to be independent learners and to look after their belongings. We collected all the lost property around the classroom and have given the children opportunities to ‘buy back’ their lost items of clothing from the shop. The children loved handling the play money and have been so pleased to be reunited with their lost gloves, hats and jumpers! Once returned, we are using this as a great opportunity to remind everybody that all of their belongings should be named!
Writing, writing, everywhere…..!
We have continued our learning about growing and changes and have loved looking at our baby photos, as well as trying to identify the grown ups! We had a good go at writing the names for our guesses too!

More fantastic writing this week…..
We have been applying our knowledge of letters and sounds in lesson time as well as in explore time when we made our own wonderful creations!
This week in the forest we had lots of fun and have been busy making lots of wonderful creations linked to our learning. We have also been trying really hard to be global green citizens by looking after our environment. We have some very keen gardeners in Reception who loved raking and sweeping the many, many leaves that fall in our garden!
How you can help at home:
In phonics this week, we have been busy revisiting and reviewing all of the sounds that we have taught so far. We are very impressed with how many of the children are retaining what they have learned and are able to apply this knowledge to their reading. We thank you for your continued support in hearing your children read everyday and appreciate all the helpful comments in their orange reading records.
Many children still need some more practise with recognising the harder to read and spell words. Please do support your child with these.
Encourage your child to spot any patterns around the house or on your journey to school. Can they say the pattern out loud? What might the next shape/colour/number be?
Encourage your child to mark make and write across a range of opportunities – cards, shopping lists, postcards, letters!