Hello Reception!
What a lovely week we have had! The children have really enjoyed further exploring our activity zones; making potions, building dens, using our resources from the art cupboard and learning to use our storytelling area. The children are understanding there are only a certain number of people allowed in specific areas at a time and learning how to share this space.
Sound of the Week
We are learning to ,”read individual letters by saying the sounds for them,” (Development Matters 2021).
This week we have been learning the phonemes (sounds) ‘i’ ‘n’, ‘m’ and ‘d’ and learning how to write these graphemes in our books and outside with chalk, water and brushes and on clipboards using a pencil. There is a helpful mnemonic for each grapheme to help us remember the correct formation:
i – inventor – down her body, spot her idea
n – nest – down the bird and over his nest
m – meerkat – meerkat, mound, mound
d – duck – over his back and around the tail, up his neck and down to his feet
How you can help at home:
If you would like to practice the sounds over the weekend, have a look around and see what you can find starting with those sounds, eg: instrument, net, mug, dog. Lay the objects out on the floor along with some other items that start with different sounds and grab yourself a big bowl and a spoon. Now you’re ready to make Silly Soup! Ask your child to find something that begins with ‘m’ for example and pop it in to the bowl and stir while singing!
Silly soup, silly soup,
We’re making soup that’s silly;
We’ll pop it in the refrigerator,
to make it nice and chilly!
In Maths our key sentence this week has been ‘The last number we count is how many we have in total’.
We have been helping our class puppets to count correctly! We found that touching each object and/or moving them one by one, is one way we can make sure we count correctly.
We have enjoyed marching along to our new Nursery Rhyme this week ‘The Grand Old Duke of York’. Here is the link so you can all join in at home:
This term our topic is Time Travellers. We are thinking about change over time and working on our ambition to become independent learners.
Below you will find links to a topic overview which illustrates what we will be learning up to Christmas and how this fits with our Ambitious Curriculum.
[Download not found]
As a school we are focusing on teaching a variety of rich vocabulary and the meanings of the words we come across. Below you will find our knowledge organisers showing which words the children will learn and use as they progress through the term. This may prove a useful conversation starter when asking your children what they have been learning at school
[Download not found]We hope you have a lovely weekend,
The Reception Team