Author's posts

My Garden

Over the last few weeks in English we have been learning about fantasy texts. We learnt the story ‘My Garen’ using a story map and actions to help us, and of course remembered to practise telling it with expression. Once we knew the story really well we looked at a written version of the text …

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Food Technology – Smoothies

This term in Year 2 we are focusing on Food Technology and will be making our own smoothies. Our challenge is to design a new smoothie for the members of The Yanomami Tribe who live in the Amazon Rainforest. First, we were reminded that in Design and Technology lessons we have to follow a four-step …

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Science Week

This week we have been celebrating national science week. On Monday we went to an assembly. We found out more about the work that scientists do and why scientists are important. We remembered some of the past scientists that we have learnt about at Merry Hill including Dr Richards and Marie Curie. We also found …

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Maths – finding change

This week in Year 2, we have been looking at money. We have focussed on making different combinations of the same amount. To do this, we used our prior learning of our part-part-wholes and physical money to show how an amount can be made in different ways. We learnt a key sentence this week which …

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This week in English we have been learning about calligrams. Calligrams are poems which create a shape. The shape of a calligram represents the topic of the poem. Calligrams are also known as shape poems or concrete poems. Here are some of the example calligrams we have been looking at: At the beginning of the …

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Church visit

This week, Year 2 have been on their class trips to St. Peter’s Church in Bushey. In Religious Education (R.E.) we have been studying Special Places and their importance to people. We began this topic thinking of what makes a place special and then drew our own special place; some of us said our house …

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In Geography this half term we have been learning about rainforests. We found out that rainforests are found near the equator and that they are hot, wet and humid places. The biggest rainforest is the Amazon rainforest. We used atlases to identify the locations of the rainforests on a world map. This week we have …

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Does the offspring of an animal always look like its adult?

This term in our science, Year 2 have been looking at living things and what they need to survive. We have thought hard how each living thing has four basic needs: oxygen, shelter, food and water. Further than this, we dived into learning our new science word of the week: offspring.  We learnt about how …

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Rebalancing Number Sentences

This week in Year 2 we have been learning to rebalance number sentences to make them easier to solve. This is the vocabulary we use when discussing addition and subtraction. When we add 2 numbers together we can rebalance the number sentence by adding an amount to one of the addends and taking it away …

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In English this week we started learning our new story The Great Kapok Tree. As we are in the imitation stage of the learning sequence, we have been doing lots of oral rehearsal of our story and have been learning the different parts. We were reminded there are five parts of a story: opening, build …

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